Monday, November 6, 2017

slaying Hunger

So how do you control your hunger and manage your body weight without eating more? Check out these 10 powerhouse foods that will not only help you control your hunger, but offer some amazing health benefits as well:
1. Oatmeal: Oats are a good source of many nutrients, including vitamin E, zinc, selenium, copper, iron, manganese, and magnesium. They are also a good source of protein. Full of soluble and insoluble fiber, aiding in digestive health, cholesterol maintenance and heart health. Best of all, oatmeal has one of the highest satiety rankings of any food, leaving you full for longer. 
2. Beans (including small red, kidney, pinto, and navy): Not only are beans known for being an excellent source of protein and antioxidant content, but they are also known for their high fiber content, which controls hunger and keeps you feeling satisfied longer. Adding beans to your diet helps you cut calories without feeling deprived. The USDA recently released their latest guidelines, revealing that Americans aren’t coming close to consuming the daily recommended minimum of dietary fiber, which is only 15g per day.
The Adequate Intake (AI) set by the Food and Nutrition Board of the Institute of Medicine for total fiber is as follows:
  • Adults ages 50 and younger: 38 g/day for men, 25 g/day for women
  • Adults 50 and older: 30 g/day for men, 21 g/day for women
3. Red Grapes: This super food contains phyto-nutrients offering broad antioxidant protection and a variety of antioxidants, including anti-inflammatory benefits as well as resveratrol, which is linked to many heart health benefits. Red grapes also contain many vitamins and minerals, including vitamins C, A, K, carotenes, and B-complex vitamins. Not only is this powerhouse super food packed with nutrition, but grapes also taste great, are low in calories, and tout a very low-glycemic rating, which helps control hunger. Best of all, they’re available year-round!

4. Fish: Fish is full of protein and low in saturated fat. But one of the biggest health benefits is its omega-3 fatty acids, which supports cardiovascular, cognitive, and vision-health. Fish also improves insulin sensitivity, helping build muscle and decrease belly fat. The American Heart Association recommends eating two servings of fish (particularly fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel, herring, lake trout, sardines, and albacore tuna) each week.
5. Apples: Did you know China produces more apples than any other country? Maybe they’re on to something. This low-glycemic super food is full of antioxidants and antioxidant compounds such as flavonoids. Apples help with digestion and have also been connected to neurological health. They’re also low-glycemic, helping you control your hunger. However, when eating that crisp sweet fruit, be sure to leave the skin on. The skin contains more fiber, quercetin and antioxidants, than the rest of the apple. So the next time you reach for an “Apple a Day,” you can feel good about it!
6. Eggs: The benefits are big with eggs. They are great for many things, including eye health due to the carotenoid content (specifically lutein and zeaxanthin). They are a good source of protein and all nine essential amino acids. They contain choline, a nutrient that helps regulate the brain, nervous, and cardiovascular systems. Eggs are one of the only foods that naturally contain vitamin D. They promote healthy hair and nails because of their high sulphur content and wide array of vitamins and minerals. They contain iron, B vitamins, and minerals like folate, which is recommended for pregnant women. A study reported in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition found that eggs tended to satisfy obese and overweight subjects more than a bagel breakfast with an equal calorie count. This super food is not only low-glycemic, but is an egg-cellent way to control your hunger.
7. Nuts: Go nuts! These great snacks contain plenty of protein, fiber, and healthy monounsaturated fats, which are needed for heart health. Nuts also contain an array of vitamins, nutrients, and antioxidants. Walnuts contain high levels of omega-3 fatty acids, and almonds are a good source of protein, antioxidants, magnesium, potassium, calcium, iron, and vitamin E. Also, Brazilian nuts are known to contain the powerful antioxidant selenium, which helps neutralize free radicals that attack healthy cells. Although these great snacks are highly nutritious, be sure to keep your servings to only 1 or 2 ounces, because they typically contain higher concentrations of healthy fat that could impede progress with weight loss if not eaten in moderation. Not only do these great-tasting snacks control hunger, but the health benefits of each individual nut is endless. So go nuts with this smart snack!
8. Yogurt: This digestive-friendly food is a great way to incorporate probiotics, or “healthy bacteria,” into your diet to fight off bad bacteria in your digestive track. It’s also a good source of protein and an array of other nutrients, including calcium and vitamins B-2, B-12, potassium, and magnesium. There are a lot of different varieties and brands of yogurt to choose from. Be sure to find healthy, protein-rich, low-sugar yogurts enriched with vitamin D for the healthy bone benefits. Also, be sure the label says “live and active cultures.”
9. Avocado: Avocados have more of the carotenoid lutein than any other commonly consumed fruit. They are also beneficial for eye health, and are considered the best source of vitamin E. In addition, avocados are high in beta-sitosterol — a compound that has been
shown to lower cholesterol levels. This satisfying fruit also contains the heart-healthy B vitamin, folate. Last but not least, avocados contain monosaturated fats, which also help in controlling hunger.

10. Kale: This powerful food has over 45 different flavonoids, including kaempferol and quercetin, which offer potential beneficial effects including antiviral, anti-allergic, and anti-inflammatory. It’s great for avoidance of chronic inflammation and oxidative stress. It also sports an excellent satiety rating, which means you can enjoy the diverse array of flavonoid benefits while controlling your hunger. If you’re not familiar with kale, then it’s high time you both met.

Monday, October 30, 2017

Pumpkin super powers

Health Benefits of Pumpkin

pumpkin spice latte: pumpkin
Catching zzs — Pumpkin seeds contain an essential amino acid — tryptophan — which the body converts into melatonin. Pumpkin seed powder has been called the new glass of warm milk.
Helps maintain healthy weight — One cup of cooked pumpkin is only 49 calories. Add pumpkin to your diet to help with cravings. Pumpkin contains fiber, which also helps you feel more full.
Forget carrots — Pumpkins are also high in lutein and zeaxanthin, substances that support eye health.
The list of health benefits from pumpkins goes on and on. Learn more about this fall super food here.
Now that we know pumpkin without the spiced latte is a vitamin-rich power punch, let’s delve into a recipe that will curb your craving and also provide a healthy breakfast option to change up your morning routine.

Recipe: Pumpkin Spiced Latte Smoothie

½ c. fresh pumpkin puree
1/4 c. unsweetened almond milk
1 ½ Nutrimeal Free + 1 ½ French Vanilla Nutrimeal scoop
4 ice cubes
½ tsp. cinnamon
½ tsp. nutmeg
½ tsp. ginger
½ tsp. instant coffee
  1. Combine all ingredients into a blender and blend on high until smooth and creamy.
  2. Pour into your favorite smoothie mason jar and ENJOY.

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Reset Intro

As a special receive a $299 free gift for comitting to the program for 12 weeks
Reset Intro begin today

Pregnant Women: Is Your Baby’s Nutrition Missing this Key Ingredient?

Pregnancy brings along for the ride a whole barrel-full of questions about nutrition and supplements.
I’ve known many women that are completely confident about their health and taking supplements during their “everyday” life who then start to question whether or not they should continue taking supplements while they’re pregnant.
Um, YES!!!
During pregnancy and while breastfeeding, a woman’s nutritional needs are greater than ever.
So, it is NOT the time to stop supplementing.
Actually, this is the perfect time to make sure you are taking the best prenatal supplements possible.
But with so many prenatal multivitamin/mineral supplements on the market, how can you evaluate your decisions?
Here’s a tip: pay attention to the amount of iodine in the formula.

The Importance of Iodine

In healthy adults, iodine serves a number of functions within the body. First and foremost iodine supports healthy thyroid function, which is important for normal metabolism.*
For pregnant or lactating women, iodine is crucial because it not only supports a child’s healthy thyroid growth and function, it also plays a key role in healthy brain and central nervous system development.*
In other words, it can have a direct impact on a child’s metabolis, learning and behavior later in life.
Now, here’s the problem. Consumption of iodine has been steadily declining for nearly 50 years, especially in the United States, resulting in a higher prevalence of mild iodine deficiency in the general population.
Pregnant and lactating women’s needs for iodine skyrockets during this critical time in the child’s development, so supplementation can help fill the gaps.
Here’s an especially sobering fact: only about half of the prenatal supplements on the market contain any iodine at all.
The Prenatal Chelated Mineral in USANA’s BabyCare Essentials delivers 300 mcg of iodine in a daily dose which is a higher amount of iodine than many other products on the market.
The amount of iodine found in USANA’s prenatals helps effectively support healthy neurocognitive development while staying well within the Institute of Medicine’s recommendation of a maximum of 1,100 mcg of dietary iodine daily.
The iodine USANA uses is in the form of potassium iodide, which is a form that has been shown to be very bioavailable in humans.
A word of caution: Though unlikely, it is possible to consume too much iodine during pregnancy or breastfeeding. So, if you eat a lot of sea vegetables, scallops, yogurt, cow’s milk, eggs or strawberries every day, talk to your doctor about monitoring your levels of iodine.

Perfect Partners: Iodine & Selenium

When taking iodine, it’s important to take adequate amounts of selenium, which also supports proper thyroid function.
Here’s a little insider tip: there are about 100 mcg of selenium in 2 tablets of BabyCare Prenatal Chelated Mineral.
Ladies, if you think you could get pregnant, or if you are actively trying, help your little kidlet get a smart start.
Supplement your healthy diet with the USANA BabyCare Prenatal Essentials for comprehensive nutritional support all throughout your pregnancy and while breastfeeding.
Do you know anyone who might benefit from this information? Please share!
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Friday, September 22, 2017

Take some time to think about how you’re going to find time to be active. Are you going to wake up early? Walk after dinner? Run during lunch? Schedule the time on your calendar, and write down what you want to do (bike, weight lift, yoga, etc.). And if you need to find a program to work out at home, look for something on YouTube. For example: search “no equipment 20-minute workout” (or however much time you have). What’s your favorite time of day to work out, and what exercises would you recommend?
Detoxing doesn’t always mean cutting out certain foods or drinks. Sometimes a health detox means cutting out—or at least cutting down—on the things that cause you unneeded stress. When you’re being pulled from several different directions, that unnecessary stress can cause havoc on your body and mind. For your own good, learn to say no

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Healthy Snack Ideas

Snacking between meals can keep you from getting too hungry and help you maintain a more consistent energy level throughout the day. Incorporate more whole foods into your diet and try these delicious and quick snacks that are under 300 calories:

4 tablespoons hummus + 1 large carrot = 170 calories

1 medium apple + 2 ounces cheese = 235 calories

1 ounce almonds (approximately 23) + ¼ cup dried cranberries = 255 calories

1 slice whole-grain bread + ½ an avocado = 260 calories

1 Greek yogurt + ½ cup granola = 290 calories
2 tablespoons peanut butter + a banana = 295 calories

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

The Top 5 Foods that KILL Body Fat. Part 1 of 2

If you’re reading this Blog, then I know that you’re not only interested in losing abdominal fat and getting a Healtier body.
That’s what this Blog is all about… let’s dig right in… and get our independance back

Three question to get you thinking...

  1. Are you aware that some foods that you might actually think are unhealthy, such as whole eggs can actually HELP your body to burn abdominal fat? And yes, that includes eating the yolks!
  2. Did you know that so-called "whole grains", which you thought were healthy, might actually be making you GAIN fat, and make you sluggish?
  3. Did you know that other foods marketed as "healthy" such as soymilk, soy protein, and other processed soy products contain specific concentrated compounds that can cause something in your body referred to as "stubborn belly fat"?

 Let's dive in...

In this blog I wanted to Bring to light some of the shocking facts I stumble on my health and wellness  journey about some of the foods that you are already eating. These foods are marketed to you as "health foods" but are actually silently making you gain extra stomach fat! Yes I said it!!
I have a few surprises for you there are a couple of foods that you probably thought were unhealthy, but can actually help's you to burn off fat so much faster.
The proven opptions from my own experiance that are so valuable. It makes lose stubborn body fat easy, and it will also stop you from being fooled by the deceptive marketing of the giant food conglomerates, who want you to buy more of their cheap processed foods.

The foods that are silently making you fat and also some secret foods that can help you burn fat.

The first one I'd like to warn you about is "whole grains". This includes,  and
  • Barley.
  • Brown rice.
  • Buckwheat.
  • Bulgur (cracked wheat)
  • Millet.
  • Oatmeal.
  • Popcorn.
  • Whole-wheat bread, pasta or crackers
  • whole grain bread
  • bagels
  • muffins
  • pasta,
You  know that refined grains like white bread are bad for you, but I bet you think that “whole grains” are great for you and can help you to lose fat. Well, this could be a big problem holding you back from a lean body and a flat stomach.

What do you here all the time...

Trust me...I'm NOT going to preach to you about What every one else is talking about a low-carb/no-carb diet here. Moderate carbs has been shown to be healthy, if you choose the right options. This doesn't necessarily mean whole grains are the way to achieve that.
A little known fact is that grains are extremely cheap to grow, and process compared to other crops, and this means LOTS of  money for giant food conglomerates. Of course, this means that they have to deceive you with clever marketing to make their product seem "healthier" for you, and the whole time your thinking you are doing your body good.
The first problem with whole grains is that many whole grain breads and cereals still raise your blood sugar fairly substantially and quickly, which stimulates an insulin spike, and triggers you to have more cravings for carbohydrate-rich foods later.

In the big picture, you inadvertently eat more calories!
Another problem with whole grain products is that they are still fairly calorie-dense with a lower amount of nutrient density compared to some other options I can show you. A large percentage of the population has some degree of intolerence to gluten, which is found in high amounts in wheat and some other grains.
In fact,in the (WJG) World Journal of Gastroenterology, some nutrition scientists estimate that as much as 60-75% of the population has at least some small degree of intolerance to the gluten in many grains. which leads to

Diagnosis of gluten related disorders: Celiac disease, wheat allergy and non-celiac gluten sensitivity 

Also, keep in mind that the human digestive system adapted over the period of 200,000 years, on a diet that did NOT contain very much grain at all. There may have been very low amounts of grain in the ancient human diet, but nowhere even CLOSE to the quantity in today's modern diet.
It wasn't until agriculture became more prominent only a couple thousand years ago, grains became a major part of the human diet. Your digestive systems is still not adapted to properly digesting the large quantities of grain in the modern diet.

The outcome is you get fatter, Wich opens up another avenue of other  health problems!

Now I realize the fact is that you may not be willing to completely eliminate grains from your diet. I'll show you how to best balance this aspect of your lifestyle change to get you the best fat loss.
You have been deceived about soy!
Some of the biggest offenders in the soy industry are soymilk, tofu, and soy protein products. Remember that soy is a BIG multi-billion dollar industry and their goal is to use clever marketing to fool you. They want you thinking that these highly processed soy products are actually healthy for you, so you buy more of them thinking you're doing the body good.

The high concentrations of phytoestrogens that are found in processed unfermented soy products.
You heard contradicting stories about whether these phytoestrogens are actually harmful or not. One thing that's often overlooked is that in most cases, we're not talking about eating just a few soybeans here and there. We're talking about products such as soymilk and soy proteins, where the processing has actually concentrated the phytoestrogens in much higher concentrations than you would ever get naturally.
This is where these processed soy products can actually stimulate your body to hold onto belly fat. Want more belly fat… Just go ahead and drink more soymilk or eat more tofu!

But even if you don't belive my argument, consider this...

The other main problems with soy is that it is one of the most genetically modifiedand enhanced crops.  Also one of the crops containing the highest pesticide/herbicide residue. Many pesticides and herbicides that get inside your body actually act as something called xenoestrogens. Xenoestrogens are a type of xenohormone that imitates estrogen. They can be either synthetic or natural chemical compounds wich contribute to the condition known as "stubborn belly fat". They make your body want to hold onto belly fat and make it particularly hard to burn off.
 You don't agree with the phytoestrogen argument against soy. The xenoestrogens from pesticides and herbicides that you will be exposed to is (Double Truble). That will lead to increase stomach fat.
There are many other reasons why soy products are only holding you back from getting a lean healthy body,

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

We’ve taken time away from blogs, but now that Summer is here, we are back! We’re bringing you a pertinent blog for the next 3 months ahead. We call it summer paradise!
While we sleep, our bodies make use of that time to heal itself. The most work on our bodies is done at night from cell regeneration to tissue repair. We wake up with cleaner eyes and dirt removed from them formed by “sleepys” in the corners of our eyes. However, just because it’s summer, doesn’t mean waste away your time! Wake up early while it’s cool out and stretch your legs—even if it’s just a quick walk around the block. Ten minutes walking around your community first thing in the morning will do your body wonders. Circulation will increase and get your blood flowing to all your extremities.
Don’t be afraid to work late when it’s cooler at night either. Make time for your body when you sleep and still make time for your goals when you are aware before the rest of the world. Maintaining balance is very important and it’s a measure of success. A balanced lifestyle is what many successful people describe as their daily focus.
Because Summer is the perfect time to take control of your health, make the most of it! Soak up the right amount of Vitamin D and cover your body when you’re outside with the proper amounts of sunscreen. Don’t apply just once, but continually reapply as needed. With the warm weather, coastal beaches, community pools and many other outdoor sports, getting fit and staying healthy can also be fun.
One On One 247 and GoiMRS2000 is here to share some tips and tricks for summer happiness and summer health. Of course, these extend past you to your entire family. Be sure to share the love with your loved ones as we enter summer 2017!
Watch Everything You Eat!
Traditionally, Summer is a time to pig-out with community barbecues, drink alcohol and neglect the vegetables. Don’t forget the sweets, either! There’s something that everyone has a weakness for, even if it’s not sweets. With the heat, the last thing a lot of us want to do is exercise. Summer is a time for lounging around and relaxing, rather than being up and moving! However, if you’re not careful, you may fall into some unhealthy habits this summer. Bad habits exhibited for three months means at least making up for them over the next six months and we don’t want that to happen to you!
Try substitutions instead. Drink filtered water rather than soda and other sugar-filled juices. Lemonade from the local 7-11, sweet tea from the drive-through and fruit punch next to the grill are summer staples still all loaded with sugar.
Drinking water is important part of health year-round. A lot of us forget that we need more water in the summer to counterbalance the heat. A good rule of thumb for summer when it comes to water is to bring double the amount of water you normally would. If you want to push it one step farther, add lemon slices to your water to alkalize your water. Bring your body up to a healthier pH balance!
Our staff prepares a pitcher of lemon water every morning. We hit the kitchen jug several times throughout the day. Just because we’re in the office working, doesn’t mean we’re stuck there. We get out and stretch our legs too. When we’re out at a work function, we usually bring the jug with us!
Don’t Forget Self-Discipline!"summer success"
This applies to substitutions that we mentioned earlier and of course goes for food as well. With a plethora of food available on picnic tables, you should still balance out what you place on your plates! Make your plate colorful. Greens and diverse fruits should be added first followed by the main course. Treats are fine to consume in moderation, but we mean a handful of chips, rather than half the bag. (It’s okay, we’ve all been there before too!) Start small with the colors then move onto the treats, if you have room.
Another great tip for summer eating habits can be had for anyone. Whether you are trying to get healthier or stay healthy, try eating smaller meals. Smaller meals keep your body’s energy level steady all day and even speed up your metabolism. For many people, the difference between being healthy vs. overweight can be reduced down to a few extra hundred calories a day. Believe it or not, more meals will speed up your metabolism and you’ll burn stored fat over time. We recommend trying out a smaller and more frequent meal planner four weeks. Weigh yourself weekly, but most importantly, maintain your consistency. Stay disciplined!
Schedule Time For Exercise
One of the best ways to be healthy in summer is to exercise outdoors. There’s plenty of activities to do in the summer that can double as exercise: kayaking, hiking, water sports—even walking on the beach. Exercising should never be a chore, but something you enjoy doing. If you’re having trouble finding an exercise, don’t worry. There are plenty of outdoor activities that burn calories and also take place of traditional exercising.
Swimming is one of those double-whammies. Stay cool and healthy at the same place, at the same time.
If you have kids, be sure to include them. Getting them started on healthy habits while young will set them up for success from an early age. This way, they’ll be more in-tune to exercising their bodies and minds as opposed to their fingers on the iPads.
Regardless of exercising, be sure to be smart about your timing! The sun is strongest between 10am and 2pm. After 2pm, the UVA and UVB rays are still present, even with overcast skies. Stay covered up while in the sun and, if possible, exercise during the morning or later in the evenings.