Friday, September 22, 2017

Take some time to think about how you’re going to find time to be active. Are you going to wake up early? Walk after dinner? Run during lunch? Schedule the time on your calendar, and write down what you want to do (bike, weight lift, yoga, etc.). And if you need to find a program to work out at home, look for something on YouTube. For example: search “no equipment 20-minute workout” (or however much time you have). What’s your favorite time of day to work out, and what exercises would you recommend?
Detoxing doesn’t always mean cutting out certain foods or drinks. Sometimes a health detox means cutting out—or at least cutting down—on the things that cause you unneeded stress. When you’re being pulled from several different directions, that unnecessary stress can cause havoc on your body and mind. For your own good, learn to say no